Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are provided below to help you quickly find an answer to your question.

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What are the benefits of signing up?
When you create an account you will receive features such as time stamping of the day and time you entered a sweepstakes, as well as using the MySweeps feature which allows you to add the daily, weekly or other entry sweepstakes you want to enter. This is an invaluable tool, you’ll wonder how you survived without it. Remember to log in to activate these features.
How much does an account cost?
Signing up is free. A lot of time goes into bringing you this list of sweepstakes, tips and donations are much appreciated.

What is MySweeps?
You defiantly want to utilize this tool as it is the most important tool of the site! How else are you going keep track of all the sweepstakes you want to enter? MySweeps allows you to organize the sweepstakes you want to enter every day, every week or to keep track of one entry sweepstakes you don't have time to enter or sometimes a sweepstakes site is down when you try to enter. Put it in MySweeps and enter it when the link is working. You won't ever miss entering a sweepstakes this way.
How do I add/remove a sweepstakes to MySweeps list?
Once you find a sweepstakes you want to enter on a regular basis simply click the Add To MySweeps Tab, once you do that the tab will say remove from MySweeps, click it again and that sweepstakes will be removed from your list. Sweepstake will automatically be removed when they expire.
I cant find sweepstakes I saved to MySweeps
If you created an account and saved them to MySweeps they should be there. You must be logged in for this feature to active, make sure you’re logged in and if your still experiencing a problem REPORT A PROBLEM
How do I find out more about a sweepstakes?
You can click the More Info Tab on any sweepstakes to access this information. You will get eligibility information as well as more prize detail.
What Are My Picks (Star Tab)
These are my favorite sweepstakes and are indicated by a star on the top of every page. These are sweepstakes I think have the best odds of winning due to limited entry period, there are lots of prizes being offered giving more people the opportunity to win or the prize is valuable enough to enter.
How do I leave or view a comment about a sweepstakes?
Click the Add Comment to utilize this function, if there are already comments about a specific sweepstakes the comment button will say View Comments. This is a place you can put information you want others to see for instance if you have additional information about a sweepstakes or if you’ve won a prize.
How do the twitter sweepstakes work?
Twitter sweepstakes are listed under the twitter tab. When you hit the enter sweepstakes button a pop-up screen will appear with the steps you need to do to follow and tweet the message in some cases this is all you have to do to be entered. If there is another step like filling out an entry form or commenting on a page this will be indicated in the description as the last step.
What does Syncing with twitter do?
When you sync your twitter account with Infinite Sweeps, you will be able to follow and tweet messages without having to visit the twitter website. It will ask you to allow Infinite Sweeps to connect with your Twitter account. You can disable Infinite Sweeps access anytime in your twitter account settings, under connections.
Will I receive spam mail when I sign up for a sweepstakes?
Yes, you will most likely see an increase in spam mail. I hate spam and try my best not to put sweepstakes on the site I know will bombard you with spam. Some sweepstakes will send you a email conformation and you might get signed up their updates, sales, events, etc. When you enter a sweepstakes many you are agreeing to receive this types of email. You can usually opt out of receiving more emails however some sweepstakes state you must be signed up to their email list at the time of the prize drawing to be eligible.
Should I create a email account just for sweepstakes entries?
Many people suggest this and it can be a good idea. Remember when you sign up for sweepstakes some require you verify your email address, if you fail to do this your entry may be voided. Most sweepstakes contact their winner via email so you must check to see if you won, there could be time limits on responding to a email or you forfeit the prize and you defiantly don’t want to do that If you create a special email YOU HAVE TO CHECK IT so many prizes go unclaimed because people don’t respond to the winning email.
How do I decide which sweepstakes to enter?
Only enter sweepstakes for prizes you want to win. For instance look at dates and restrictions for vacation sweepstakes, this especially important when entering Event Travel Sweepstakes these all most always have a specific date or time frame. Are you going to be able to attend specific traveling and event dates? Don’t waste time on winning something you don’t want or can’t use, sometimes you will be ineligible for another prize from that sponsor for a limited time as well.
How will I know if I won a prize?
When you win a prize depending on the value it may be just shipped or mailed to you, this is always a nice surprise. You many be contacted my email or regular mail most sweepstakes rules state and you usually have a specific time period to respond to the prize notification or you forfeit the prize that is why it is important that you check your email.

There are a lot of scams out there so be careful once you start entering sweepstakes sometimes this information is sold to undesirable list. This not the normal practice for most sweepstakes they are legitimate and abiding by the laws to protect your privacy. Look to see first of all who sent you the email what email address did it come from. Also look for any information on the bottom of the notification to alert you to where the email may have come from, letters for other Countries are usually a scam and did you enter this sweepstakes. Most of all

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